The adventure of the construction of a folding trimaran.........
SCARAB 22 by Ray Kendrick
I BUILT my boat in glass/foam sandwich panels. (why...)
Building time:1500 hours.
TRIJUL is sold and will now be moving to a new home for the 2011 season!
Summer 2010: 4th season sailing.
Summer 2009: Sailing.
Fall 2008: Sailing, tuning.
June 2008: New sailing season!
February 2008: Redesigning diamond spreaders (many fun FEM hours!)
Winter, 2007-2008: Merry Christmas! Nothing to report...Water is hard!
September,2007: Sailing...
August, 2007: Sailing...
July, 2007: Sailing, fine tuning, enjoying (as many hours as possible, not counting!)
June 24th, 2007: Launching (several hours but not counting anymore)
April, May and June, 2007: Lots and lots of little things. (110 hours)
End of March, 2007: Interior painting, cabin windows (48 hours)
March, 2007: Centerboard, engine, stuff (46 hours)
January, 2007: Installing fittings (69 hours)
October, 2006: Boat assembly (60 hours)
End September, 2006: Centerhull painted (21 hours)
September, 2006: Both floats are 100% done (62 hours).
August, 2006: One float painted, one almost ready to go(112 hours)
June, 2006: Still mixing putty and sanding stuff (101 hours)
March, 2006: Centerhull glassed (59 hours)
January, 2006: (38 hours)
December, 2005: Centerhull stuffed. (54 hours)
End of October, 2005: Stuffing centerhull (18 hours)
October, 2005: Centerhull right side up! (22 hours)
September, 2005: Centerhull ready to be flipped over. (60 hours)
June, 2005: Centerhull assembly started. (45 hours)
May, 2005: Floats completed. (29 hours)
April 10, 2005: One float assembly done. (17 hours)
March 26, 2005: Beam-float assembly, chine taping (22 hours)
March 10, 2005: 4 beams ready (85 hours)
November 14, 2004: 8 half beams ready (48 hours)
October 10, 2004: Done with the floats, making beams, mast (17 hours)
September 25, 2004: Progressing with the floats (19 hours)
September 15, 2004: Light sanding, fitting "redesigned" transom. (2 hrs)
September 13, 2004: Fitting float top panels, template adjustements,found a mast!. (7 hrs)
September 10, 2004: I am becoming a putty expert...(5 hrs)
September 6, 2004: Assembling top portion of floats.(11 hrs)
August 29, 2004: Assembling floats, fillets and tapes.(23 hrs)
August 08, 2004: Assembling floats !!!.
July 30, 2004: Cutting beam cap laminated sheet.
July 24, 2004: Laminating beam caps, ready to assemble floats and beams.
June 14 2004: First 4'x 24'foam panel(3 hrs.)
June 11 2004: Fwd spar web and Spar bushings(18 hrs.)
May 23 2004: Aft spar web(6 hrs.)
May 20 2004: Upper forward spar cap(2 hrs.)
May 16 2004: Fwd spar cap2 (1.5 hrs.)
May 15 2004: Fwd spar cap(2 hrs.)
May 09 2004: Aft spar cap(6 hrs.)
May 03 2004: Spars(10.5 hrs.)
April 27 2004: Vacuum pump, first de-bag(2 hrs.)
April 25 2004: Vacuum plenum, first panel(5 hrs.)
April 19 2004: Peel ply, panel 01(5 hrs.)
April 16 2004: Main spars templates(2 hrs.)
April 15 2004: Fiberglass corner angles, laminating table (6 hrs.)
April 03 2004: Received fiberglass, perforating polyethylene (2 hrs.)
March 28 2004: Making holes in foam (7 hrs.)
March 26 2004: Major valve! (1 hrs.)
March 22 2004: Corecell foam delivery (2 hrs.)
March 21 2004: Full size templates (8 hrs.)...
March 17 2004: Full size templates idea (2 hrs.)...
March 14 2004: Laminating table (5 hrs.)
February 26 2004: Resin infusion, FEM.
February 19 2004: Received epoxy.
February 14 2004: Ordered the materials.
February 9 2004: I received the plans!.
January 30 2004: Waiting... (tube trimaran FEM results).
January 22 2004: Plans mailed to me today!
January 16 2004: Ordered plans for the scarab22.
One happy day it occured to me that a light trailerable boat would be ideal in North America, especially up north, where the season is so short. During winter, one can drive south and go sailing (Pensacola anyone?). There are also hundreds of lakes that make wonderfull destinations. For example, it took me 6 days of boring motoring up the St-Lawrence seaway in my old keelboat to reach Kingston, Lake Ontario, from Montreal. With a trailerable boat, only 3 HOURS are required!!!. It becomes a possible weekend sailing spot. When I discovered that small trimarans were available, I had the feeling that I just woke up!
Design/Construction/Technical info
Composite chine joining methods...
Essential links
Scaled Composites (check the "PROJECTS" tab for flying trimarans...)